Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Aricept(donepezil) was the second cholinesterase inhibitor approved by the FDA for the treatment of mild to moderate dementia of the Alzheimer\'s type.

Unlike the first generation cholinesterase inhibitor, Cognex, Aricept has a higher potency and lower incidence of peripheral adverse effect. 

In clinical studies, Aricept® has been demonstrated to improve memory, language and praxis (the performance of an action).  

Furthermore, Aricept® has not been associated with liver toxicity which was a major concern among physicians prescribing the first generation cholinesterase inhibitor.

Even though Aricept® has a convenient dosing schedule (the only once-daily chlolinesterase inhibitor) and better tolerability than other products such as Exelon®, it does not offer any significant additional clinical benefits compared with other cholinesterase inhibitors.

 All the existing cholinesterase inhibitor possess similar efficacy and none of them alter the long-term prognosis of Alzheimer\'s disease.  As a result, patients who have started taking Aricept® 2 to 4 years ago may experience reduced efficacy and may be required to switch to other drugs. 

In fact, a recent study demonstrated that 56of AD patients who have previously failed to benefit from Aricept, responded to Exelon®
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