Acne is a skin disorder because the sebaceous gland duct obstruction. The skin contains thousands of sebaceous glands that produce sebum (oil) that moisturizes and protects skin functioning.
Sebum produced by sebaceous glands distributed through the hair follicles (pores) to the skin surface. Acne occurs when sebum that normally come out to the skin surface is blocked.Facial skin has a high density of sebaceous glands, especially in the nose, forehead and cheeks. Large sebaceous glands located in the middle of the chest and back. Therefore, acne most often appears on the face, chest and back.
The cause of acne is usually associated with hormonal activity in adolescence. In general, acne begins at age 10 to 15 years and will disappear when entering the age of 25 years, but at about 7% of people, acne continues until age 40, even 50 years.
The primary factors that cause acne are hormonal imbalances, trigger foods, stress and lack of hygiene of skin as a whole raises excessive sebum production, follicle blockage, infection and colonization of bacteria Propionibacterium acne and inflammation (inflammatory).
Acne can be classified according to type of lesion, whether there is inflammation or not.
Non-inflammatory lesions Follicular cast or filamentUsually located on the right side and left filled with sebum clogged nose like porridge. With the emphasis, the blockage can be removed.
Mikrokomedo Mikrokomedo occurred before the comedones (clogged sebum) turned into a whitehead or a blackhead. Acne is not visible from the surface of the skin and can only be viewed with a microscope.
Whitehead (Blackheads closed)Abnormalities in the form of a small nodule with a small hole or no hole because sebum is usually accompanied by the bacteria accumulate in the skin follicles and can not get out.
Blackhead (open Blackheads) Open comedo is usually a further development of a closed comedo, occurs when the follicle is open at the skin surface so that the sebum, which contains the skin pigment melanin, oxidized and turned brown / black. Blackhead can be prolonged because of the drying process of blackheads on the skin surface was slow
Inflammatory lesions Papel (papule) Papel occurs when the walls of the hair follicle is damaged or broken so that the white blood cells out and inflammation in the skin layer. Papel-shaped lumps on the skin soft kemerahaan without heads. This type of acne is often referred to the layman as "acne stone."
Pustel (pustules) Pustel occurred several days later when white blood cells out to the skin surface. Pustel shaped red bumps with white or yellow dot in the center that contains white blood cells.
Nodules (nodules) If follicle rupture at the base then there is inflammation of the large lump that hurt when touched. Nodes usually occurs due to inflammation by stimulating the berangsung long hair fragments.
Abscess Sometimes some or pustel papel experience grouping with a reddish abscess formation, pain and tend to remove material in the form of a mixture of blood, pus and sebum. In this disorder the healing process leaves the net wide scar.
Sine The most severe type of acne. Often there in the hollow beside the nose, nose, jaw and neck. Abnormalities in the form of linear line with a length of up to 10 cm and containing several sinus or fistula tract that connects the sinuses to the skin surface. Acne healing takes many months, even years and can recur again when experiencing an inflammatory process.Sinus should be treated with surgery.
Milia Milia are white spots that almost resemble whiteheads but are much smaller so it just felt if touched. Milia can occur in newborns, children and adults.
Acne Rosacea Is a type of acne the most and very difficult to cure. It's very terrible because it usually spreads to the entire face and even body. This disease is gabuangan of acne and rosacea.