Saturday, 8 March 2014

Alzheimer's Disease Causes and Effective Treatment

Alzheimer\'s disease is a progressive neurological disease of the brain that leads to irreversible loss of neurons and loss of intellectual abilities, including memory and reasoning, which become severe enough to prevent social or occupational functioning . Alzheimer\'s disease is also known simply as Alzheimer\'s and senile dementia of Alzheimer type.

During the course of the disease of plaques and tangles develop within the structure of the brain. This causes the brain cells. Patients with Alzheimer\'s disease also have a deficiency in the levels of some vital brain chemicals are involved in transmitting messages in the brain - the neurotransmitters.

Causes of Alzheimer\'s Disease
1. the lack of oxygen (as the body grows older, less oxygen is absorbed),
2. diet that is high in bad fats (eg trans fatty acids) and low in good fats (eg omega-3). This includes taking certain types of fat (eg saturated fat) often. such as eating regular peanut butter,
3. years and years of an acidic diet and the lack of things to alkalize the body, which leads to yeast, fungus, mold and bacteria that thrive in the body,
4. aspartame, MSG, HVP, cysteine ​​and other 'excitotoxins' (that kill brain cells)

Symptoms of Alzheimer\'s Disease
1. Getting lost on familiar routes
2. Personality changes and loss of social skills
3. Losing interest in things once enjoyed, flat mood
4. Difficulty performing tasks that require thinking, but used to come easily, like balancing a checkbook, playing complex games (like bridge) and learning new information or routines

Treatment for Alzheimer\'s
1. Multisensory stimulation. This can help improve your quality of life and includes music and pet therapy, aromatherapy and massage.
2. Behavior management. This can help address problems such as depression and aggression. Behavior management is usually given by the caregiver with the support of your doctor or nurse.
3. Significant activities and commitment as having conversations, painting and drawing, cooking and games can help you to express and improve their quality of life and sense of wellbeing.
4. Principles of psychological therapy may be helpful. Counseling can help you deal with feelings of insecurity, hopelessness and loss of control, and talking about how you feel and what you want in the future can be therapeutic. Group therapy, sometimes with family advocates to discuss future support and practice can also help to make you feel happier and less isolated.

Home Remedies for Alzheimer\'s Disease
1. Fish consumption has been found to be beneficial for people suffering from Alzheimer\'s. Support for the implementation of the brain.
2. Patients with Alzheimer\'s disease should make a habit of writing your normal routine. One should try to memorize it and then I remember that after some time.
3. Biofeedback is also a good way to cure Alzheimer\'s disease. In this process, the patient becomes aware of its quantifiable bodily functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar and skin temperature. This raises the patient\'s awareness and conscious control of involuntary physiological activities.
4. One study claims that proper intake of vitamin E reduces the number of Alzheimer\'s disease by up to 25 Almonds, avocados, nuts, vegetable oils, whole grains and egg yolks are some of the foods in vitamin E. srich Try to eat these foods as much as possible.
5. It is said that the extract of ginkgo biloba, an herb, can improve brain function. 100 to 200 mg of extract of ginkgo biloba, 3 times a day, it helps the mental functioning of people with Alzheimer\'s.
6. Some herbs increase the production of acetylcholine in the brain and, in turn, help treat or cure Alzheimer\'s disease. These herbs include horse balm, rosemary, dandelion, beans, fenugreek, sage, ginkgo, and Brazil nut, nettle, willow and gotu kola.  
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