Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Skin Care Products

Author: Obagi Skin Health Institute
A healthy, young and fresh looking skin is every woman and man\'s dream. If only each one of us continue to have the flawless skin we were born with, we would not have to struggle with beauty products. But, unfortunately many factors take away the skin you were blessed with. Some factors are aging, pollution, ad health, improper diet and use of improper skin damaging products.

Fit body insides manifest in healthy skin from outside. An appropriate nutritious diet helps in invigorating the skin from within. Water plays an important role in keeping your skin alive. A good quantity of water everyday helps in retaining the moisture of your skin and keeping skin disorders away. Fruits and vegetables in your daily diet release a lot of water into your system. Lime and hot water every morning detoxifies your body, purifies your blood and leaves your skin looking healthy.

With all the above in place, our skin still loses its ability to renew itself and most cells become inactive by age 30. Skin gets dull, dry, weaker, thinner and sensitive as we age. The very intention of skin care should be to reverse cellular damage caused by aging. Skin should be strengthened by improving its ability to improves its cellular functions and renew cells by activating them.

Obagi skin care has a complete and wholesome skin care regimen that helps rejuvenate your skin and bring back its lost sheen and shine along with the texture. ZO Skin Health skin care is a line of products designed by Doctor Obagi to reverse cellular damage, activate and awaken your skin cells, and nutrients to nourish the cells. This line of products has the highest concentration of retinol, a chief source of vitamin that aids in anti aging.

In ZO Skin Care line of products, Offect Exfoliating Cleanser has Vitamin E Encapsulated Beads and Advanced Lipopeptide that help in exfoliating dead cells and help boost in collagen production. This cleanser gently removes impurities and repairs surface damage. You can get the best results of this product if you use it after washing your face thoroughly with cool or tepid water twice a day. This cleanser is particularly useful for normal, oily or rough skin.

Exfoliating is only the first step in restoring care to your skin. In ZO Skin Care line of products, there are more exfoliates to suit your particular skin type, stimulating serums, hydrating gels etc.
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