Monday, 29 April 2013

Best Ways to Prevent Mouth Cold Sore Symptoms

Author: Preston Mane
It is very important to understand that there is still no cure for cold sores; there is no way to cure them permanently. However, you can protect yourself from fever blister outbreaks by implementing some simple prevention measures as well as cold sore fighting remedies. Also. By taking the proper steps you should be able to reduce the pain and healing time of a fever blister and prevent them from coming back.

Here are some tips that you can follow to reduce the symptoms of a mouth sore:
Tip #1
Avoid too much exposure to the Sun. It is essential for those who are suffering from cold sores to wear sunscreen. You should apply sunscreen to your lips and mouth area as well as the rest of your body before you expose yourself to the sun. Due to larger exposure to sun, the virus that causes fever blisters becomes active and the cold sores appear.

Tip #2
Another important thing, which most people do not consider, is diet. Keep in mind that your diet should contain plenty of vitamins and minerals in order to prevent a cold sore. Eat foods that are rich in Lysine. Proteins must also be a big part of your diet. Reduce or eliminate fast food from your diet. A healthy diet is key to creating and maintaining a strong and healthy immune system, which will help fight off cold sores and fever blisters before they start.

Tip #3
Through various scientific studies it has been discovered that stress is one of the most common causes of mouth cold sores. In order to reduce stress, you may need to make some adjustments in your life. You should get at least 8 hours of restful sleep a night because that will strengthen your immune system and reduce stress. Try to reduce or eliminate stressful situations from your daily life; for example, if driving in rush hour traffic stresses you out then try driving during the non-rush times or take mass transit. Lowering your stress level will help you prevent outbreaks of fever blisters. You should get your daily exercise as well because this will help your body shed stress. Also, exercise is good for so many other aspects of your life.
There is no cure to fever blisters and cold sores as far as medications go, but by following the tips above you can prevent the cold sores and fever blisters from appearing.
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